
HTS is the Sustainable Choice!

Whether or not you are inspired by environmental activists such as Greta Thunberg or David Attenborough, it cannot be denied that climate change is one of the greatest threats to our planet’s future. As a result, it is a responsibility of us all as individuals to make a conscious effort, towards sustainable decision making.

Like many, you may find yourself reading this feeling conflicted when confronted with your own contribution to the efforts of preventing climate change, due to the prevalence of huge scale environmental violations committed by businesses and multinational enterprises around the world.

“What’s the point?” | “I won’t make any difference!” | “Trade is to blame!”

Well here at HTS we wanted to let you know of our conscious efforts to function sustainably, and ultimately our road towards the certification of ISO 14001.

The achievement of ISO 14001 requires companies to not only meet legal environmental regulations, but to go beyond, providing a sustainable choice for consumers.

We’re proud to be now using fully biodegradable tape on all of our packaging! We also recycle all our packaging waste by shredding and reusing and prioritise working alongside many sustainably conscious suppliers.

Take EnviroPad for example, they have now replaced their plastic packaging with 100% sustainable and compostable paper, and all Green Rhino products are delivered in boxes made from 85% recycled material. 

If you were wondering how you could take your work to the next level in appreciation for the environment, why not start with EnviroPad to aid your sustainable waste disposal!

When it rains, you may find pools of oily rainwater collecting in spill trays, and when this is emptied onto the ground or down drains this is effectively polluting the water table and malpractice of waste disposal. 

EnviroPad offers a ‘no brainer’ solution to this and can significantly reduce your carbon footprint in these wet and Wintery months! 

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