
HTS Charity of the Year 2022

Our team have voted for the charity they would like to support in 2022 and we are pleased to announce the charity that received the most votes is the Little Princess Trust.

The Little Princess Trust provides free real hair wigs to children and young people, up to 24 years, who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment or other conditions. They also fund pioneering, life-saving research into childhood cancer.

There are many elements that add to the cost of the wigs, including: manufacture, storage, salon fees, and so on — but, it’s important that we continue to do this for free so therefore charitable support is much needed. Te use hair donations and fundraising to manufacture and fit real hair wigs. Established in 2006, they have supplied over 8000 wigs to children and young people and have invested circa £5 million into ground-breaking childhood cancer research

To learn more about the Little Princess Trust, please click here.

Throughout the year we will hold a number of events to raise money for this fantastic causes and we're looking forward to hosting the first one in April!

Watch this space for fundraising updated and photos from the events!

To learn more about HTS' charitable work, please click here.